Research Center of Engineering Design mainly undertakes engineering investigation and design, engineering and equipment supervision, supply of hydro-electric equipment, engineering consultation, and special engineering construction etc. The main business scope covers design of hydraulic engineering and hydroelectric engineering, design of foundation, foundation trench and slope treatment, engineering investigation of hydropower project, nuclear/ thermal power and supervision of all types of hydropower projects, soil and water conservation projects, immigration projects, and hydropower engineering equipment;construction supervision on all kinds and grades of water resources and hydropower projects, conservation of soil and water, resettlement project, manufacturing supervision on electro-mechanical equipment etc.; supply of electro-mechanical equipment in and outside country, EPC project; engineering construction of water resources and hydropower projects, nuclear power projects etc; field test, calculation of vibration of units and power plants, research and manufacturing on sensor, fault diagnosis of units, safety evaluation of geotechnical  engineering, research, test and consulting of flood and environmental impact.
北京中水科工程集团有限公司 | 版权所有
地址:北京市车公庄西路20号 邮编:100048 联系方式:010-68786218
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