The business of the Testing and Evaluation Department is testing the hidden defects in water resources project, hydropower engineering and dam safety estimation. Many advanced testing instruments were developed by the department and imported. Many domestic key water conservancy projects were tested and evaluated by the department, such as Three-Gorges projects, Ertan hydropower station, Gezhouba hydropower station, Longyangxia hydropower station, Fengman hydropower station, etc. Experience of testing and evaluation were accumulated. Main field including: Testing and evaluation of defects and leakage in hydropower construction, testing and evaluation of construction quality of dam foundation and cofferdam cut-off wall, quality testing and evaluation of ground grouting, testing and evaluation of underwater hydropower construction, hidden defects testing and evaluation of geological disasters, safety evaluation of dam and impoundment safety appraisal.
北京中水科工程集团有限公司 | 版权所有
地址:北京市车公庄西路20号 邮编:100048 联系方式:010-68786218
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